Questions and Answers
What size caravans do you sell and what can I expect in it?
The smallest caravan on our park is 28 ft long and 12 ft wide with two bedrooms whilst the biggest is presently 39ft long and 12ft wide.
Most units have two bedrooms (one double and one twin) with arrangements for sleeping a further two people in the lounge. In recent years all our new caravans have included double glazing and central heating. Nearly all caravans are sold with a timber deck. Mains electricity is supplied by meter to each pitch and gas is supplied from bulk tanks from our metered estate. Mains water is provided through a Severn Trent supply and sewage is discharged to a private treatment plant. Many caravans have a satellite dish for Freesat or Sky as the terrestial signal for Freeview is not reliable. Complimentary wifi is available.
Do you sell both new and used caravans?
We offer both new and pre-owned holiday caravans for sale. We usually have a couple of new units as display/demonstrator models.
We also have a small fleet of holiday letting caravans and these are always available for sale, subject to a small time lag when holiday bookings have to be honoured. We often offer these models for sale at bargain prices in the autumn.
May I buy a caravan elsewhere and bring it on to your park?
It is unlikely that this will make sense financially as we levy a charge to cover all the costs of moving, siting and connecting the caravan in addition to a 'siting fee' which takes the place of any profit we might make when selling you a caravan direct.
If you already own a caravan (up to 8 yeards old) and would like to move to a new park we will always be happy to discuss your requirements and take a positive view of the possibilities.
When can I use the caravan?
The park is licensed for caravans to be used for holiday use only at any time between March 1st and Decmber 31st . These dates may vary slightly at the discretion of the park management from year to year.
Can I live in the caravan?
No. We require all caravan owners to maintain a permanent residential address elsewhere at all times to which all correspondence is sent. Using a caravan on our park as a permanent home is in breach of our site licence, planning consents and site rules. If you wish to live in a caravan you should seek a suitable residential park
How much does it cost to buy a caravan?
Our pre-owned caravans start from around £15,000 - although occasionally we have a very clean older model at a lower price.
New caravans are priced at the manufacturer's list price plus £5000 to cover the costs of delivery, siting, connecting and commissioning. A new timber deck is charged extra.
How much is the annual cost of keeping a holiday caravan?
We estimate that the cost of keeping a holiday caravan on our park is between £2500 and £3000. This comprises the following approximate charges:
Pitch fees £1953 (incl 20% VAT)
Rates recharge £215.75 (incl 20% VAT) (This also includes charges for water and sewerage)
Gas about £200 - but depends on your consumption
Electricity about £100 - but depends on your consumption
Insurance about £300 pa but depending on the value of the caravan insured.
There are further optional charges for extra services such as:
Winter drain down
Annual gas safety check
External clean
Small repair and maintenance jobs
How long will a caravan last?
We believe that a modern holiday caravan will remain perfectly serviceable for over 20 years and we offer a standard agreement with each caravan sale permitting it to remain on the park until it is 20 years old
We would expect any caravan we sell to be fully serviceable for as long as you wish to use it. Within the time spans indicated most owners either upgrade to a more modern caravan or move on in some other way. We have operated caravan parks in Worcestershire since 1985 and never asked anyone to remove their caravan because of its age.
Should I make an allowance for annual maintenance?
We look after the main servicing requirements in the annual costs indicated above. You should expect to replace batteries (in some boilers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, remote controls etc); keep the caravan clean externally, service the lpg and electrical appliances. Overall maintenance is surprisingly small.
Do you have an age limit for caravans on the park?
We do not not have an age limit but we do not permit caravans over 20 years of age to be re-sold on the park
Can I sell the caravan privately?
If the caravan is less than 20 years old and in reasonable structural condition you may sell it with the benefit of its pitch. We charge a commission of 15% plus VAT on the full sale price and expect buyer, seller and park owner to complete the agreement at the park office at the same time. We reserve the right to buy the caravan direct at the net price agreed if we judge the buyer not to be suitable for our park.
Can we let the caravan?
We are happy for you to allow personal friends and family to use the caravan. We do not permit owners to let their caravan commercially.
Are pets allowed?
Pets are permitted but in consideration for other park users they must at all times be kept under firm control and any mess cleared up immediately. We do not permit pets into some of our letting caravans
Can we arrange our own insurance?
We act as introducers for caravan insurance from Compass - a market leader in the sector. The rates charged are competitive and the cover is extensive. If you arrange your own insurance elsewhere we require to see a copy of the policy for inspection each year and we levy a fee of £40 + VAT to cover the cost of this inspection.
Can we park our car next to the caravan?
Yes there is one parking space by each caravan - and there is additional parking at reception
How far is it to the nearest shops?
The nearest shops are in Bromyard or Tenbury 7 miles from the park.
How far is it to the nearest pub?
The nearest pub is The Baiting House in Upper Sapey about two miles away.
Is there any public transport nearby?
There is no bus service closer than Tenbury. A car really is essential.